The 2022 general election is just around the corner; polls will open Nov. 8. Who can vote. To vote in the 2022 general election, you must:
Be both a U.S. citizen and a resident of Indiana
Be at least 18 years of age on or before the general election
Not currently be in prison after being convicted of a crime
Have lived in the precinct where you vote for at least 30 days prior to the election
Be registered to vote
If all of these things apply to you, great! You can vote in the 2022 general election. How to vote. There are two ways to vote in the general election: by absentee ballot or in person on Election Day.
To register for an absentee ballot, you must qualify under one of the 11 reasons listed on the Indiana Secretary of State’s website. To see if you qualify and to request an absentee ballot, visit The deadline to register for absentee voting is Oct. 27.
If you plan to vote in person on Election Day but are not sure where to go, visit and click on “Find My Polling Location.” You will be able to search by both voter registration (your name and birthday) as well as by county.
By casting your vote Nov. 8, you can be assured your voice is heard on the local and national levels. As you evaluate the candidates and determine who to support, remember elected officials play a very important role in ensuring your electric cooperative can continue providing safe, reliable and affordable electricity. Support Indiana’s electric cooperatives by getting out to vote and backing candidates who support positive energy policies and assist Indiana’s electric cooperatives’ efforts to power the businesses and communities they serve.
Four Essential Reasons to Vote
While it can sometimes feel like your vote doesn’t matter, it does. Voting is absolutely essential to a healthy, functioning democracy. Not convinced? Here are four essential reasons to vote.
Voting is the best way to speak up on the issues that concern you. It allows you to hold elected officials accountable and to replace them when they no longer represent your best interests.
Voting allows you to be part of decision making that affects your life. Every day, legislators and elected officials make decisions that impact every aspect of your life. Don’t you want a say in who will be representing your interests at the local, state and national level?
If you don’t vote, others will make the decisions for you. This goes hand in hand with reason number two. If you don’t make decisions about things that impact your life, other people will.
Decisions are made on your behalf every day. These decisions impact things like utilities, energy, broadband, health care, education, housing, etc.
It is important to vote for who you trust to make these decisions for you. Getting out to vote ensures that your voice is heard. Your opinion matters!
Five Things to Do Before Heading to the Polls
Voting is a right and a privilege for American citizens. What should you know before you head out to the polls on Election Day? Here are five things experts say you can do to help ensure a smooth experience.
Check your registration. Visit and click on “check the status of your voting registration.”
Prepare to vote. Visit and click on “who’s on the ballot” to learn which races you will be able to vote in on Election Day. You can also get to know the candidates who are running.
Know your options. To see if you qualify for and to request an absentee ballot, visit
Watch them test the machines. Election officials have to test all the equipment in advance to make sure everything is ready to go before Election Day. Most jurisdictions allow the public to observe this. Some even livestream the testing so you can watch it at home.
Sign up to be a poll worker or poll monitor. Visit