Be Safe Around Electricity When Moving Farm Equipment
With the arrival of harvest time, Indiana’s farmers are shifting into high gear as they move into their fields to bring in their crops. All that increased activity puts farmers and farm workers at greater risk, warns Brandon Linville, Director of Operations at Southeastern Indiana REMC.
“Combines and grain augers are large pieces of equipment,” says Linville. “People assume that everything will fit under the power lines, but that isn’t always the case. The biggest cause of electrocutions on farms is equipment accidentally touching power lines.”
Here are some tips Southeastern Indiana REMC recommends for farmers to protect themselves and their workers:
Always look up and around before moving or raising equipment. A good rule of thumb is to stay at least 30 feet from all power lines and power poles.
Check clearances each time you enter or exit a field. It’s possible changes were made since the last time you accessed the field and the clearances could have changed.
Never try to raise power lines to allow passage of tall equipment. Even non-metallic objects such as wood poles or branches can conduct electricity.
Watch out for power poles, too. If you strike one, it may break, dropping a live line on your equipment.
When considering the height of equipment, don’t forget about the radio antennas and GPS receivers that may reach another couple feet above the roof.
Take the time to fully lower grain augers and other portable equipment before moving them.
When moving equipment near power lines, have a spotter on hand to ensure your safety.
If you’re not completely sure if equipment will fit under a power line, find an alternate way to move it.
If you’re in equipment that touches power lines, stay in the cab and call for help. Tell others to stay away. In the rare case of a fire and you have to escape, jump clear of the equipment. Keep both feet together and shuffle at least 30 feet away.
“Working the land has enough hazards in the work itself,” says Linville. “With care and planning, moving to and from the fields shouldn’t be one of them.”
SOURCES:, Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative, Ozark Border Electric Cooperative,
National Farm Safety and Health Week
Fall harvest time can be one of the busiest and most dangerous seasons of the year for the agriculture industry. National Farm Safety and Health Week is Sept. 18-24, 2022, to raise awareness of the importance of practicing and promoting safe work habits and conditions.
Data for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates the agricultural sector is still the most dangerous in America. In 2019, there were 573 fatalities, or an equivalent of 23.1 deaths per 100,000 workers. However, many injuries are preventable through education. Serious injuries and death can be prevented by cautiously approaching field adjustments or repairs, taking precautions to avoid slips and falls, making smart decisions while assigning tasks to youth, using and maintaining the slow moving vehicle emblem correctly, and retrofitting tractors with rollover structures.
This annual promotion, the third week of September, initiated by the National Safety Council has been proclaimed as such by each U.S. president since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944. National Farm Safety and Health Week is led by the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS), the agricultural partner of the National Safety Council.
Knowledge is power for farm safety Anyone who operates farm equipment and augers should be educated about safe operating procedures and hazards, including the possibility of coming in contact with electric lines. Your electric cooperative reminds you to be alert when you’re at work.
Remember: Lower grain augers to a horizontal position before moving from location to location. Pay attention to where power lines are located before raising an auger into position.
Check clearances each time you access a field. It’s possible changes were made since the last time you accessed the field and the clearances could have changed.
Think safe, think 10 — the 10-foot rule, that is! When working with farm equipment or machinery, stay away from power lines at least 10 feet in every direction. If you need to work within 10 feet of an overhead power line, call your electric cooperative first.