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About Us

Southeastern Indiana Rural Electric Membership Corporation (REMC), is your local distribution cooperative, providing electric and fiber optic services. We put our members first, which is why our mission is: To safely provide reliable electricity and diversified services to the members and communities we serve.


As a member of a co-op, you are also an owner. You own a stake in our business, and just like any stakeholder, there are many benefits to your membership. As a member of Southeastern Indiana REMC, you have a say in the representatives who are elected to serve on the co-op’s board of directors. You have an opportunity to make your voice heard every year at our Annual Meeting. You get a say on policy issues your electric cooperative supports or opposes. You can even help to determine how your profits are redistributed.

What is a Cooperative?

A cooperative different than to a sole-proprietorship or a partnership. Southeastern Indiana REMC is wholly owned by members it serves. Members have a say in how we operate as a cooperative. Each member’s voice is heard equally. The opinion of one co-op member is not greater than the opinion of another.


The Cooperative's board of directors are elected by members. Their responsibilities ensures the cooperative achieves it's mission, sets policies and make decisions about how the cooperative operates. The members of the board are also members of the cooperative, and the decisions that are made are in the best interest of the entire membership.


Cooperatives lead themselves by the seven cooperative principles:

  • Voluntary and open membership

  • Democratic member control

  • Members' economic participation

  • Autonomy and independence

  • Education, training and information

  • Cooperation among cooperatives

  • Concern for the community.

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